Sunday, February 24, 2019

Dolphin Park || Week One

Convixion Colors Production [COLORS], previously Convixion Blue, is a multi-media creative production company started in 2019 that will be a host to unreleased & experimental music, exclusive merchandise, and raw artwork. 

Through Convixion Colors, we started Dolphin Park, a monthly wrap-up of music from Convixion Wave artists, as well as other talents associated with members of our collective. For Week One, I was able to be the host, which was an awesome opportunity. As the head publicist, promoting the music is my top priority, so it is great knowing that I can do so, while also being able to put my own stamp on things.  

This is part of our expansion as a brand and as a collective, to not only get our music out there, but whatever other forms of art and creativity members wish to highlight.


- Giovanni Miguel Suvire